Friday, August 24, 2007

Right time, right place, & right reasons

Ever feel like like the world is against you and if there was no bad luck you are like the old HeeHaw song 'if it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all'?

But then something happens to remind you of why you are where you are. And you realize you are in the right place and for the right reasons and it is the right time.

A dear friend took me to breakfast this morning. One of my school moms as a thank you for a spread sheet I worked on for her. She feels I was a blessing to her but I think it is the other way around.

I think God keeps our paths crossing for a reason.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Things happen for a reason

I firmly believe that. It is so very hard to stay positive with when things are going wrong. It was one of the reasons I started this blog to help myself focus on the positive.

This blog "You are the World" I truly feel "You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you’re the world!"

I feel by helping others I help myself. We each can make a difference. Sometimes we wonder if our little parts make a difference.

Little things tell me I am on the right track. I am making a difference. I am focusing on the right things.

One of those little things this morning was an email about this year's reflections contest through the school. Much to my surprise it is

2008 Reflections Program Theme: "I can make a difference by..."

It will be interesting to see what my six and 8 year old come up with for this theme. I will keep you posted.

Monday, August 13, 2007

It is the little things that count

Life does get hectic and sometimes overwhelming. But that is when I look at the little things and think how blessed I am.

Little things that count for lots!

That first loose tooth. Okay so maybe I do get tired of my six year old telling me for the one millionth time that she has a loose tooth, lol. Although this may seem like a little thing to me it is her first loose tooth and very important to her!

The PTA president saying "I knew we chose the right person for the job".

The little girl now in 2nd grade who says "I know you...and I missed you".

The 3rd grader, my son, who is not embarassed to give his mom a hug in front of all his friends!

The hubby who always knows what to do to make me smile.

An awesome school, where we are once again blessed with great teachers! Great staff, great teachers, great students, and great parents!

A dog that sometimes frustrates me as he follows my every move. But I know with him here I am safe and loved.

My kids who did their chores today without complaining.