Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Something good to say

How many times have your heard your mom say "if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all!"? I can just hear my mom and dad both saying this even today and I am 43! ha-ha Now I tell my kids the same thing!

As humans we are quick to criticize. I ask you today...look around to find those doing good, doing the right thing, and let them know you appreciate their contribution to this world!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summers helping others

Seems living in the south it is always hot! But even in the hot weather there are things you can do for others. Like washing mom's car, lol.

But seriously there is much you can do help a neighbor. Here are just a few ideas.

Help a neighbor who might have health problems with things like getting the mail.

Cut grass for another neighbor who works long hours.

Help a neighbor load or unload their moving truck (great way to welcome new neighbors).

Take fresh veggies to another neighbor.

Share flowers and cuttings with neighbors.

Help a neighbor with repairs that they might not be able to do themselves.

Invite the kids over for some time playing in the sprinkler...this is a great way to give other parents a break.

Many of these seem like simple things but to many they mean so much!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Follow your dreams

I sit here thinking of my stepdaughter who will be off to college orientation in about a week and half from now and the college starts in the fall. She is really smart, pretty and creative. I know she will do well in whatever path she decides to follow.

She is not without the lack of those telling her what to do with her life and what not to do with her life. I only can say....follow your dreams and never stop dreaming! When you follow your dreams, you can accomplish anything!

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Giving of yourself everyday

One of my favorite books is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." -Winston Churchill

An interesting site on EverydayGiving

Saturday, May 31, 2008

lifting up or tearing down?

Did you ever stop to think the words that you utter can bring a person up or it can tear them down. Remember the Bible Verse you learned in Sunday School?

“Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.”

—1 Thessalonians 5:11

It is much harder to look for the positive, and build each other up I think. Often we get carried away by daily tasks and what has to be done.

There were protesters in our small city today. I realize they have a right to free speech and it did turn into a good lesson for the kids. The kids really thought it funny that they were protesting war and soldiers when it was and is our soldiers who fight to keep our freedom of free speech. But I wonder how much further they could take their message if they lifted others up rather than tearing them down.

I think of my kids too. Often I am correcting them about something that was not put away or a chore not done. I must make a sincere effort to praise the things they are doing right.

We need people in our lives to encourage us and we need to encourage the people in our lives. Often times we can see something special in someone that they themselves cannot see.

I am truly blessed, I was feeling really discouraged and friends reminded me of my talents and even what I could learn from my failures.

Funny that word Courage slipped in the middle of the word encourage. It does sometimes take courage to lift another up. But even more important, by encouraging another person you give them courage!

Share the courage!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The potential to turn a life around have not only the potential to turn your own life around, but the potential to turn another's life around!

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia

As you go through each day, don't let an opportunity pass you by to turn someone's moment, day or life around!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Beginnings!! Happy 2008!!

2008…a new year, a time to put the past behind us and create a future we all look forward to. A chance to set goals, look forward and dream big!

An online mom’s business group I am involved in is embarking on a project starting today to make our goals real, not just thoughts in our heads. I encourage you to join us.

We all have hopes, dreams, wishes and prayers. We often make resolutions starting with a new year. Often we go about this half heartedly. How many of them do we really keep?

By putting your hopes, dreams, wishes and prayers in writing it not only makes them more real but puts our brains in a mind set of reaching those hopes, dreams, wishes and prayers. We have a goal and our brains begin to map a way to that goal.

It is a chance for you as business to set goals. This can be an individual, family or group endeavor. It is a good way to teach kids to set goals and is also fun!

Let’s make a Wish box or Prayer box!

First you need a box. You can buy a fancy box or think green and recycle a box you have on hand. It is fun to create a box by decorating in a style that suits you. Let your imagination be your guide!

Next, write down your hopes, dreams, wishes, goals and prayers. You can choose to share them before placing them in the box or you can keep them personal.

As a family discussing your wishes as they go into the box, is a great way to teach kids goal setting and to work with them to plan out steps that are needed to make them all come true!

A few tips when writing down your wishes.

Write down your wish in the positive not the negative. Example Negative “I want to not worry about paying bills”. Instead, Positive “I want to make X amount of dollars this year”.

Write out your wish in complete detail. The more details, the more your subconscious mind begins to carry out these instructions.

Finally, pick a time to go back and review those items in your wish box. Once a month, once a year…it is up to you. It is a good time to see what wishes have come true, which you are still working toward and which you completely changed directions on and went a different way.

Happy 2008! Dream big!!!