Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Coming home

I just wanted to pause a moment and thank everyone who serves and has served in the military. I as a mom appreciate all that you do for our family.

We are happy to hear our neighbor who has been in Iraq for a little over a year is on his way home and will be here tomorrow.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Often overlooked people

We have so many people in our lives to be thankful for. So many of them are often overlooked, but they are such an important part of our lives.

The lunch crew at our kids school! Awesome! No, the kids don't always like what they are served for lunch, lol. I have found they have a budget too....and as a SAHM I know what it is like to feed a family on a budget. It ain't easy! Can you imagine feeding several kids on a limited budget.

This group of people work so hard to make sure our kids eat and are taken care of. The cafeteria supervisor calls the kids her little customers. I have seen more than one of them do little extras for my kids and other kids. They really do look out for the kids.

Our school custodian is another person. He works hard to clean the school during the day, moves furniture extra on a regular basis, and clean-up throw-up! He is never too busy to say hi to a teacher, a student or a parent! So many of the kids look up to him. He is a good man with a kind heart!

There is a whole list of others, but these individuals really are in my thoughts this morning.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Right time, right place, & right reasons

Ever feel like like the world is against you and if there was no bad luck you are like the old HeeHaw song 'if it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all'?

But then something happens to remind you of why you are where you are. And you realize you are in the right place and for the right reasons and it is the right time.

A dear friend took me to breakfast this morning. One of my school moms as a thank you for a spread sheet I worked on for her. She feels I was a blessing to her but I think it is the other way around.

I think God keeps our paths crossing for a reason.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Things happen for a reason

I firmly believe that. It is so very hard to stay positive with when things are going wrong. It was one of the reasons I started this blog to help myself focus on the positive.

This blog "You are the World" I truly feel "You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you’re the world!"

I feel by helping others I help myself. We each can make a difference. Sometimes we wonder if our little parts make a difference.

Little things tell me I am on the right track. I am making a difference. I am focusing on the right things.

One of those little things this morning was an email about this year's reflections contest through the school. Much to my surprise it is

2008 Reflections Program Theme: "I can make a difference by..."

It will be interesting to see what my six and 8 year old come up with for this theme. I will keep you posted.

Monday, August 13, 2007

It is the little things that count

Life does get hectic and sometimes overwhelming. But that is when I look at the little things and think how blessed I am.

Little things that count for lots!

That first loose tooth. Okay so maybe I do get tired of my six year old telling me for the one millionth time that she has a loose tooth, lol. Although this may seem like a little thing to me it is her first loose tooth and very important to her!

The PTA president saying "I knew we chose the right person for the job".

The little girl now in 2nd grade who says "I know you...and I missed you".

The 3rd grader, my son, who is not embarassed to give his mom a hug in front of all his friends!

The hubby who always knows what to do to make me smile.

An awesome school, where we are once again blessed with great teachers! Great staff, great teachers, great students, and great parents!

A dog that sometimes frustrates me as he follows my every move. But I know with him here I am safe and loved.

My kids who did their chores today without complaining.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Everyone has a story

You see a man at the grocery store yelling at the clerk. You may think he is this way because he was treated unfairly, maybe it is because of something in his past and that maybe it is not his fault. Maybe it is. Either way, there is a story. And because there is a story it is a chance to show grace and compassion.

You see a woman scream at her child for picking up a candy bar near the checkout. You may think she is this way because she is trying to teach her kids right from wrong, maybe she is short on time or maybe it is because she cannot afford the candy bar. Still, there is a story.

Think of someone you see casually each day but have never talked to. The waitress at the local coffee shop, the security guard or the person who eats lunch alone each day.

Even though we have never spoken to any of these people, it is human nature to make up a story in our mind about who they are, what kind of people they and what they are like.

We even do this for people we do not know very well.We are quick to judge on these stories we have created in our minds. What do you think would happen if we stopped listening to the stories as we think they are in our minds, but rather stopped and listened to the real story?

Everyone has a story to tell. We all learn from one another. We all learn from experience.Take some time to get the real story, of their experience.

Everyone wants to be heard and feel that what they have to say is meaningful to others. As you get older, you realize just how much more important these stories become. And how important it is just to be heard.

Take the opportunity to listen with open ears, open mind and an open heart to the stories of the people around you. It will greatly enrich your life and soul!

You will meet new friends, be humbled by the challenges that some people face, and be inspired and encouraged by the accomplishments they have achieved. Listen without making judgments and resist the urge to tell your own story. You will be giving a gift to everyone around you and will get some very special gifts in return.

Remember that everyone has a story and every story matters!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Encourage others!

It could change the world!

What encourages you? Do the same for others.

We are quick to criticize but how often do we share complements? I know I am quick to jot off a quick email when something bad happens at a store or I get bad service or something. But recently I was so impressed by the associates at our local Publix I wrote them a quick thank you email. Do you know one of the assistant managers called to say thanks? So often they hear what they are doing wrong not the positive things.

When someone is discouraged or hurting, offer to help. Don't be general like 'I would like to help' instead offer to do something specific that would help them. Example we helped some neighbors today put up foam siding on the ceiling of a workshop building for their new business. Not easy work. We were not asked to do it, we just did it. And our whole family helped!

Write someone a note to let them know you are thinking of them. It means more to them than you will ever know! Kids love this too!

Celebrate the little things! Kids need encouragement when they do things correctly. Have you ever given the same encouragement to an adult and see the results?! Amazing!

Think about it! Has someone encouraged you? What have you done today to encourage someone?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

More than a holiday!

July Fourth is more than just a holiday. It's celebration goes to the beginnings of our country. It is meant to honor the patriotism of those 56 brave men who put their lives, families and property on the line, when they signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

We still have those who are fighting for those same freedoms and rights. Nathan, our neighbors son, is fighting in the war in Iraq. Fittingly on July 4th, today, he is on a flight landing at home as we speak.

The kids and we as a family are ready to say thank you. He is home for 2 weeks, so we don't want to take up much of his time. We are dressed in our red, white and blue, our flags are raised and the kids have drawn 'thank you' pictures for Mr. Nathan.

I for one, am thankful for the sacrifices he is making for our country. There are still those, who in a heart beat, would take this country down.

You may not personally know a soldier, but you can say thank you. Show you honor our country...wear red, white and blue and fly our flag.

Thank you Nathan! Enjoy your visit home! Thanks for keeping my family safe!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Bridge to Terabithia

BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA described as a fantasy/adventure story of friendship, family and the power of imagination.

We watched the movie last tonight and of course cried. Not only for the loss of the little girl but the realization of loosing ourselves as we get older. We don’t dream anymore…we just try to get through the day. Now I just have to read the book! Let my imagination run wild! Lol

Skyler had a rough night of sleep so I think the movie was too much for her. But CK was interested in the movie, even with his tears, he checked out the book today the library.

People are so quick to judge. I challenge you to think about that bully in your life. Even as adults we still deal with the bullies! Many are bullies because of their own insecurities and dishonesty with themselves…I know that describes my bully. Some are bullies because they are being bullied. There was an 8th grade girl in the movie, that was the bus bully. Later it was found she was a bully because she was bullied and beaten by her dad at home.

The two stars of the movie, a young boy and girl, lost themselves in their own made up world as an escape from the bullies and bad things happening to them it seemed at every turn.

I thought about Jennifer. She told her CK that when things get bad…write! No one can judge you in your thoughts or what you write for yourself. Or like the little boy in the story…sketch!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Make an Extraordinary Difference

Seems like impossible doesn't it?

Ordinary People Can Make an Extraordinary Difference! Deep within each one of us lies the ability to step up and make a difference, even though we often feel overwhelmed by a complex world.

I believe that this is why we’re here…to make a difference. It seems hard, but I think it doesn’t necessarily take a lot . We can’t all be Nobel Prize winners.

Think about this -

What difference do I make?
What kind of impression do I leave?
What kind of impact do I make?

To me, it’s not about impacting the world. It’s about making a difference in the lives of the people around you.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Do Unto Others

Matthew 7:12: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

As a child my understanding of this verse was simple. Be nice. I heard this verse telling me to be nice, 'cause that was how nice people act'.

I know many faiths have variations of this "Golden Rule". I know many people have their own interpretations of it as well.

For me, We should treat others as we want to be treated. It is about putting others first in our lives.

How do you like to be treated? With respect, listened to, not interrupted, loved, share things with, treated fairly, honest with, follow through on promises. If we like these things from others, it is only natural that others would like us to treat them the same.

Think about how you like to be treated. Now choose one person you will make an effort to treat like this in the coming week.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Random Act of Kindness

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Princess Diana

Think about it. You can make a difference. Your one act of kindness can bring someone out of despair. Your one act of kindness can bring a smile to some one's face. Your one act of kindness could be contagious!

Among the non-stop hustle and bustle of our lives, it is easy to forget about the small acts that make life so meaningful.

We pass by so many each day without a single smile; rush through lines and the drive thru for our morning coffee while forgetting to say "please" and "thank you," and we see dozens of individuals facing everyday difficulties, but never stop to offer help. Are we becoming an insensitive, careless society of people? Have we really forgotten what it means to be nice?

Even the smallest, most simple act of kindness can make a difference in some one's life in a very big way. What are you waiting for? Act now....do a random act of kindness! Pass it on!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Magic Words

It's the little things that count. Remember what your "mama" said....always say "please and thank you".

Working with the kindergarteners this last year I was amazed at the courteousness they displayed. When asking for things, it was always followed by please. Ask any child "What is the magic word" and they will most likely say to you "please". Why is something that was so engrained in our early teachings from parents and teachers so quickly forgotten?

“Thank you.” It is highly under-rated. We teach our children to make that the first thing out of their mouths when someone gives them something or does something for them. We know it is important, but we can forget just how valuable it is as teenagers and as adults.

Children are taught the words, "please" and "thank you" very early in life. Yet by the time they reach adolescence, they seldom use them.

A simple skill, that can make a really big difference. It is really that simple….say Please and Thank you. But be prepared for what will happen. First, people will be shocked and you will get some funny looks. Second, people will smile and be nice to you. Third, your please and thank you will be passed on. Courtesy is contagious.

My husband’s, “Thank you,” when he finishes the dinner I prepare for him each night, motivates me to do it the next night too, and to do it well! My, “Thank you,” when he opens a door for me or brings me a glass of tea, lets him see I appreciate him as a gentleman.

Today, old-time courtesies help you stand out. As an individual or as a business it has become a competitive advantage. So few people express appreciation that remembering to do so can make all the difference! It also goes a long way toward forming the relationships that can turn into opportunities.

How often do you say ‘please and thank you’? There is a whole world out there in need of a kind word, a friendly face, a moment of your time. Are we becoming so rushed, busy and pressured as a society that we no longer have or take the time for these simple words? I hope not.

Why not start today?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bad News Overload

Due to an excess of bad news (9 firefighters killed in a warehouse in South Carolina, record breaking drought in the south east and oh yeah, all that stuff happening here), my brain is about to shift into Emergency Mode.

This means that I will make efforts to read/write about positive events and people.

Check out the header "You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you’re the world!". I really believe that we as individuals can make this world a better place...even if it is only a small piece of the bigger picture.

Think about your day today. I will wait for a moment while you think about it. Maybe you had a business meeting today? Maybe you ran an errand? Maybe you were at your child's soccer game? Maybe you were traveling?

Each of these present opportunities to make a difference in the life of another person. No matter your age, your position in life...whatever..you make today a better for someone else.

The last 24 hours have been horrible for our family...but do you know that my youngest daughter had the biggest smile?

We sat outside where she asked me to paint her nails. After all we had been through....who was I to refuse her this delight? So as we are painting her nails she starts talking...
'your flowers sure are pretty mom',
'did you know God made today a beautiful day?' how many kids would say that on a such a rainy day as today?
'I sure hope the boys are having fun' - they were at cub scout camp,
'Storm is spoiled rotton...as she laughs' Storm is our dog...who is spoiled rotton!
She made a difference in my day.

For now...I will leave it in your thoughts to determine how you can make a difference in the life of another.